Lower back pain is one of the leading health complaints within the medical industry. Lumbar muscle strains and sprains will affect a good 80% of people at some point during their adult lives. Unfortunately, this type of pain is one of the most common reasons that people miss work and struggle for a comfortable quality of life.

As our lower backs must support our ability to move, twist and bend –muscle strains, inflammation and muscle spasms are often accompanied by pain, decreased strength and a limited range of motion. While over-the-counter prescriptions may offer some temporary relief, these medications often mask the pain to the point where the untreated root problem is at risk of getting worse.

The Search for Treatment

In February 2017, the American College of Physicians had released their new guidelines to non-invasive methods for treating back pain. With evidence-based practice guidelines, acupuncture has earned a top spot on their new recommendation list.

In fact, neck and back pain are the most common conditions treated within our acupuncture clinic!

Interestingly enough, acupuncture is often thought of as a “last resort” for many people in the West. As many people do not approach a professional acupuncturist until they have lost faith in conventional medicine, many patients are often surprised by how effective this ancient form of medicine proves itself to be.

…But How Does Acupuncture Work?

The modern scientific explanation of acupuncture is simple:

As each tiny, painless needle has the ability to stimulate the nervous system, the body responds by releasing chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord and brain. These natural chemicals (including endorphins, natural painkillers and other neurochemicals) change the way the body is experiencing pain symptoms by triggering the release of chemicals and hormones that aid the body’s ability to self-regulate and heal.

By improving the body’s circulation and biochemical balance, acupuncture is an excellent tool in stimulating the body’s natural healing mechanisms while supporting physical and emotional health.

Can Acupuncture Really Relieve Back Pain?

Yes – it absolutely can!

In fact, acupuncture is a very effective form of treatment for all pain-related symptoms including headaches, osteoarthritis, carpal tunnel and muscle pain.

The reason for this is that acupuncture stimulation influences the following changes within the body:

  • Release of Opioid Peptides. By stimulating the central nervous system, acupuncture encourages the release of pain-relieving chemicals within the brain. With the natural analgesic effect, the release of these chemicals play a significant role in numbing the severity of pain symptoms.

  • Stimulation of Electromagnetic Points on the Body.With approximately 2,000 acupuncture points across the body, each point focuses on strategic conductors of electromagnetic signals used to stimulate a flow of endorphins. As these endorphins are the body’s natural painkillers, therapy is able to trigger the body’s ability to reduce pain internally.   

  • Altercation in Secretion of Neurotransmitters and Neurohormones. By its ability to activate the hypothalamus and pituitary gland through treatment, acupuncture is able to interfere with the chemicals that have a direct role in the experience of pain. Not only has treatment been proven to reduce the experience of pain, it has also proven to strengthen the body’s immune system.

Although traditional jargon like “qi”, “energy” and “meridians” may be a bit unusual to conceptualize at first, understanding the chemical influence of acupuncture treatment will definitely help you enjoy the relaxing and healing benefits without the mystery of “how?”.

In addition to acupuncture treatment, ask us about our new VOXX Life Human Performance Technology (HPT) products for reducing pain, increasing strength, endurance, stability, balance and range of motion.